Newsletters - Past Issues

Rome Burns - The US hears the Barbarians- Update January 9, 2013



Marc’s Notes,

The statist government grows to feed itself. It has always been that way. Somehow the notion arises that one man knows better then another how to govern that one man and the meddling begins.

Two men bargaining over what one of them sells works fine. Both men make the deal and come away happy. One man sells and the other buys.

Anyone not liking the deal leaves the bargaining table.

When a country wants to guard its borders, defend itself or settle disputes between the regions, enter the “federal government”. Those things they do fine and it’s what government is needed for. Other then that and a few other minor needs, government should just get out of the way, go home, take the day off and let the two men make their deal. The best government is the one that governs the least it is said.


Money Matters airs tomorrow January 3, 2013 NOON PST on

Thursdays show:


"The Fiscal Cliff agreement and a look back at 2012"



Money Matters last 2012 Update. December 30, 2012

Marc’s Notes:

Writing from snow covered Tahoe I want to wish every one of you the happiest of New Years and hope all of you had a great holiday and continue to do so into the New Year.


Money Matters airs today- The Daniel Amerman interview. December 20,2012

Money Matters airs today at noon, 12:00 PM PACIFIC on KVMR FM, 89.5 and 105.1 in Tahoe. Worldwide on the web at KVMR.ORG.

Daniel Amerman is interviewed. Dont miss this one!


Money Matters update December 13, 2012 Important Read!~

Marc’s notes:

Well, here we sit waiting for the “fiscal cliff” negotiations to pan out but as I said in the last update, markets rarely discount things twice so although I do expect a minor rally when they announce an agreement, the market has already runs its course on the cliff solution. The cliff if you recall is tax increases and spending cuts set to kick in 2013.