Newsletters - Past Issues

Alert! Money Matters announces special NO RISK on gold- Buy 10 ounces and get a buyback guarantee for one year. Update alert 11/


Marc’s Notes:
I just heard about a special program that Money Matters Listeners can use from Monex. It is a no downside risk play on gold offered thru them.

It works like this:


Money Matters airs Thursday at noon. Money Update October 30, 2012


Marc’s Notes:

The Markets are closed today and yesterday due to the storm. Not much trades. This happens but is rare. Meanwhile all eyes turn to the election in a few days. As indicated on the last newsletter, I expected markets to be flat and they are. Apple is slowing eroding. A short time back I wrote a audio newscast on Apples possible fall from grace after Jobs died. I don’t expect this to be the final swoon but it is interesting considering the context of that piece I did. With all the new competition from Microsoft and the rest on pads, phones and what have you, Apple will fall eventually but I still expect to do fine in the near term. That said, I added a few shares for a friend of mine and continue to think adding here is a good gamble over the mid term.  Oil is also a good gamble here using UCO as a vehicle but there are others. This oil play is meant to be short term and selling when you get a 10 % rise from where you bought in.


Money Matters New Market Update- October 20, 2012 Please Read!


Marc’s Notes:

Just finished our membership show.  Thanks to those who pledged!

Powers at be only wanted me to offer the newsletter and website this drive so no classes or consults were offered. As a result the show only raised a little over a grand for the 2 hour special, off about 80 % or so from past shows. Don’t say I didn’t warn them!


Money Matters Airs tomorrow, Oct 18, 12:00 pm PST on KVMR!



Me at the Federal Reserve- at the mouth of the beast!


Money Matters airs tomorrow at noon in a special 2 hour membership drive show. Tune in. No transcripts or cds will be available later so you have to tune in but that’s the point. We want you to help us and you will help yourself at the same time.


MIsc. Info- New Gamblers Plays- New free show and dividend list on site. October 8, 2012 Update


Misc Update:
Another FREE show #149 is now posted for your enjoyment entitled QE 3. Take a listen and download it! On the website now.