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Market Update October 4 2020 READ !


Can it get any weirder?

Hello Money Matters Fans,

Pretty good question eh? 

What is next is anyone's guess. For us? We are more nuetral than long in our management. Feel free to call me to explain. Meanwhile keep reading todays articles and ideas below:


I have always said if printing money solves economic problems how come we still have economic problems?

Our money supply, basically our currency the U.S. dollar, is handled by the Federal Reserve (Fed). One of their missions is to assist in the financial stability of the `system` any way it can. It has limits on what it can do, yet some argue it has exceeded those limits in recent decades.

The savings and loan bailout in the 80’s, the 1997 Long Term Capital Management rescue, the dot com crash combined with the Y2K scare, then 9/11, the 08 real estate crash and now CoVid 19, the reasons for Fed intervention can be argued on each occasion.  Interestingly, each subsequent crisis has been bigger than the last, and therefore each intervention by the Fed has encompassed more and more money.

The Fed has a handful of tools it can use to try and juice the economy from what ails it. Those tools include lowering overnight interest rates (Fed Funds Rate) so financial institutions can borrow money cheaply. Lower overnight rates bleed over to consumer credit rates making overall borrowing costs cheaper. The Fed can also add funds to the Repurchase Agreement mechanism (REPO) which lubricates the conduit for corporate credit. The REPO market can and has frozen up during times of severe market stress. The Fed can buy Treasury and agency debt (called Quantitative Easing (QE). QE is often mentioned in the news as a major tool of the Fed. Increasing QE increases the U.S. government deficit. It is seldom argued the tools mentioned are outside of the Feds permitted actions.

Where the Feds cross into the proverbial grey area is in the purchasing of private debt (corporate bonds and bond funds) or outright loaning money to private for-profit companies. They may also, in conjunction with the treasury department or related government entity, be buying individual company stock or stock funds outright. Most analysts agree this would definitely be outside their scope of permitted actions.

Much of the money created by the Federal Reserve is funneled to the U.S. government directly for stimulus payments and programs, infrastructure and other projects and direct assistance to consumers.

Each time questions have been raised about the legality of Fed intervention, the reasoning trumps the discussion. In other words, many in Congress may be hesitant to voice concerns over reining in the Fed’s actions when Americans are in dire need of assistance.

It is interesting to note that the Feds obviously feels the tools it explicitly has is not enough if it is tip toeing around in the grey areas of its mandate.

The Fed could be said to have ventured off course in the recent bailouts starting even before the 08 housing crisis without much objection. The Fed governors may be of the opinion as long as the economic needs are great enough, the rules it operates under should and will be relaxed. After all, it has repeatedly dipped its proverbial toe into other areas of influence without much fanfare throughout the many economic crisis that have occurred in recent decades.

The real question may be does the main tool of the Fed, which is manufacturing paper currency (the U.S. dollar) to throw wherever needed, really solve a crisis or is it just “papering over a symptom” of a much greater problem?

Since the bailouts are getting larger and larger with each crisis, are they using permanent solutions or are they just pushing the day of reckoning (if there is one) further out into the future?

If the next crisis is even larger, when it comes, can the same tools be used again and again without ramifications?

Experts disagree on the answer to this question but a major concern is inflation raising its ugly head sometime in the near or far future due to the massive increase in the money supply from all the bailouts.

Other countries throughout civilization who have tried monetary creation to permanently solve economic crisis have not come out unscathed. The ramifications have run the gamut to moderate inflation, creeping stagflation (economic stagnation coupled with inflation) or a complete currency collapse.


Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, investment advisory firm, news media company, or broker dealer. Nothing stated on this site is meant to insure a guarantee of any kind, or to be construed as individual advice. Neither Money Management Radio (“Money Matters”) nor Bay Area Process receive, control, access or monitor client funds, accounts, or portfolios. For a full list of the services Marc Cuniberti provides, please contact him directly. California Insurance License #0L34249. Insurance services offered independently through Marc Cuniberti and not affiliated with any RIA firm or entity. (530)559-1214



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Silver and Gold available from estate sale September 6, 2020


Silver set 

One each of a Philharmonic, a Canadian Maple and Liberty 

All great shape and in a collectors set

Selling close to spot and the middle coin is higher value in resale

Sold as a set

All one ounce 99.99% pure fine silver!




100 ounce silver bar

Engelhard numbered serial number

On the web selling for $3,024.00

Estate sale at $1,890.00

Two already gone

Have a Johnson Matheny bar as well

Stamped and certified

999.% pure silver 

In storage for decades

Either bar great store of value and away from prying eyes and government paper money schemes

Text me either set (530)559-1214




Gold is often called the metal of kings and the description also includes silver, sometimes called its younger brother.

Gold has been used as a form of money for centuries and its only in recent times its use as money has diminished.

That’s not to say it has gone away as a monetary tool. It is still stockpiled at central banks around the world and stashed away by consumers and investors alike. As a currency, it has many of the required characteristics that any sound money must have.

It is durable and can be buried in the dirt or ocean for centuries without harm. It is hard to come by. All the gold ever dug up could fit in a tennis court sized cube. It is divisible. One small ounce can be stretched into a thread miles long.

It easy to recognize and impossible to counterfeit. It is a consistent store of value as one ounce in Roman times was said to buy a suit of armor and a meal. That same ounce today can easily still buy a nice suit and a good steak.

Up until several decades ago, many investors and central bankers alike have scorned gold in lieu of paper money. Things like stocks, bonds, currencies, cyber currency (like Bitcoin) notes and debt instruments have been thought to be as good as. 

Whether that statement holds true is left to individual opinion but central banks do still stockpile it and in times of monetary upset, those tendencies seem to increase.

China is rumored to have tons of gold and is adding more. Many other central banks including ours also stores copious amounts of it. The exact amounts each central bank has is somewhat of a closely guarded secret.

Although gold ownership was outlawed here in the United States in 1933, Americans were once again allowed to own it in 1974.

There are many ways to own gold and although currently running about $2,000 an ounce, it’s cheaper cousin silver also possesses similar physical qualities and investor perceptions as to its usefulness and is currently under $30 an ounce. That perception being gold and silver cannot be printed by central bankers, is a hard asset recognized worldwide, cannot be traced, is easily transported and basically autonomous in its possession.

Although gold and silver prices can languish for years, when their prices do move, the moves can be fast and furious.

It is thought investors flee to gold to protect against inflation and maintain financial privacy. It can be said when currencies go bad, buy gold and silver.

How exactly does a currency “go bad”? 

Think Mexican Peso. That’s pretty much all you need to know.

Right now gold and silver prices are on the move again, gaining upwards of 50% to 90% in a few short months. Many analysts think this is only the beginning.

Why are prices rising?

The reasons could be many but likely include increased political and social tensions, the massive rescue programs from central banks everywhere which encompasses trillions of dollars in stimulus and rescue packages, and a virulent virus causing massive global shutdowns are but a few likely causes.


Gold and silver can be found in many forms.  Old coins, current coin issues, small or large bars or generic rounds or even gold or silver jewelry is common. The most popular investor holding is one ounce coins or generic bars of different weights.

Right now the physical demand for coins is high and supplies are tight but you can find supplies if you are persistent. Small one or ten ounce bars are also a convenient way to hold these metals. Investors can also consider gold company stocks and funds but in my opinion the reason for going this route is slightly different and investors should know the reasons for owning one or the other.


This article is not meant as investment advice and is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Past performance is not guarantee of future results. Marc Cuniberti is an Investment Advisor Representative of Vantage Financial Group. A registered Investment advisor in California at 164 Maple St. # 1 Auburn, Ca 95603. The views expressed are opinion only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Vantage, any news media company, their staff, management or underwriters. Mr. Cuniberti website is California Insurance License # 0L34249. Insurances services offered is from Mr. Cuniberti and not affiliated with Vantage Financial. (530) 559-1214



Incredible opportunity and pricing right now~ posted September 5, 2020 Gold and Silver




Gold and Silver Bars


Physical gold and silver demand is off the charts!  In some case you cannot even get it. Or you will pay super premiums for coins or bars.

From Dad's estate he was a collector and I am offering a rare 

chance to take these off my hand and out of the estate. 

He had one ounce gold coins (Kruggerands).

I can offer limited few for sale at spot price! Unheard of to sell with no mark up over spot. 

He also had 10 ounce silver bars which are very conveniant AND 100 ounce silver bars. These I can offer close to spot as silver is REALLY in demand. Protect against inflation, keep your assets out of meddling hands and prying eyes.  The ULTIMATE protection against all governments and paper currencies. Time tested wealth preservation over IONS of time!

He only has a limited supply in San Diego and they will ship them to me and I will deliver them (meet you somewhere safe) and make the transaction. The 10 ounce silver bars and 100 ounce silver bars are in the highest demand.


Email me at or call or text me at (530) 559 -1214. Again I only have access to a limited amount and confidentiality is tantamount on my end !

Thanks and look for even more demand as things get crazier!



An Engelhard numbered 100 ounce silver bar from dad's estate! 




Only a few of these babies and others available 


